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For Educators

Sou Harmony supports educators to enhance their health and wellbeing, manage stress, and maintain professionalism within a busy environment of changes and challenges. The program aims to help you to sustain positive self-care in the long term. It is designed based on the theory of holistic self-care approaches that includes gentle yoga movements, reflective breathing, tapping touch, and Singing Ring sound therapy. It focuses on learning to feel what is happening inside your body and mind


Workshop "Tapping Touch Mindful self-care"

Learn Tapping Touch to care for yourself and each other. It supports you physically, psychologically and develop better relationships. By participating in this workshop, you will be able to provide care to others through Tapping Touch.  It will enhance your relationship with each other in communication and team building. You can share this healing and caring method with children during a day.




Sound Healing Session


Team session

Sound Bath & Meditation sessions are offered during a day or out of working ours when educators get together. It can be arranged for a smaller group or a whole team. It is ideal to use some time during staff gathering.


Individual session

Private short sessions are offered during a day at your workplace. It can be arranged during break times and after work hours to minimize the load of covering educators for their sessions. Services include Sound Healing, Tapping Touch, Mindful breathing, Gentle stretch, and Guided meditation. Brief consultation decide what is best for the educators for the day.



Online Self-care

The online program offers sessions that educators can participate in easily after work from home. This self-care program runs throughout the term and aims to develop a habit of observing your health condition and taking good care of yourself. It will encourage educators to be aware of current wellbeing and deeply connect to themselves. 
Gentle body movement with mindful breathing helps you ground, loosen tightness in the body, and release stuck energy. Guided meditation assists you in centring yourself, settling your thoughts, and calming your mind, and Tapping Touch self-care helps you feel rested and enhances total relaxation. The class is arranged for just your team so you can relax in a safe and secure environment.

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